As lawyers work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, family members as well as virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa might hear confidential client conversations they shouldn’t, according to Pennsylvania lawyer Daniel J. Siegel, who for the past year has done much of his work at the kitchen table.
“Working remotely, there’s the potential for eavesdropping from nosy family members,” he said at an ABA Techshow presentation on Monday titled “Ethics of Remote Practice.”
A small firm attorney who handles workers’ compensation, personal injury and Social Security disability claims, Siegel lives with his son, who spent most of the pandemic working, and his wife, who would go to an upstairs room during his client calls.
“She couldn’t hear me, so that was fine,” says Siegel, who serves on the council of the ABA Law Practice Division and chairs the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s committee on legal ethics and professional responsibility.
This article was originally posted in the ABA Journal. To read the rest of the article click here.