
"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear challenges to mandatory state bar associations in Michigan, Oklahoma and Texas.

Three federal appeals courts had upheld state bars’ right to collect mandatory bar dues last year, “although the victories for Texas’ and Oklahoma’s bars were not complete,” according to Law360.

Law.com and Reuters also have coverage.

The challenges to the mandatory bars sought to extend Janus v. AFSCME, the June 2018 Supreme Court decision holding that mandatory union dues for collective bargaining violate public employees’ free speech rights under the First Amendment.

Janus was decided 28 years after the Supreme Court ruled in Keller v. State Bar of California that compulsory state bars can use lawyer dues to fund activities to regulate the legal profession and improve the quality of legal services but not for unrelated political or ideological activities."

This article was originally posted in the ABA Journal.

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