Lis Pendens California

A Due Process Analysis of California Lis Pendens

In California, the lis pendens, though it serves the useful purpose of notifying potential purchasers of property of pending lawsuits, is subject to serious abuse. A lis pendens effectively prevents alienation of the property until the judgment in the underlying action has become final.  For this reason, lis pendens is susceptible to abuse by parties who assert meritless claims to Read more…

Law Office of Anthony C. Duffy

Unlocking the Mystique of the Lis Pendens – A Real Estate Investor’s Guide to Understanding the Mysterious Notice Called the “Lis Pendens”

In the California real estate and lending community, and especially for  non real estate attorneys (normal people !!), there is some misunderstanding and hidden mystery about what a notice of  lis pendens is, what is its function, and what is its place in the law and the world of California Read more…